I've been watching some of these articles for the past week. Just when you think the right-wing can't get any more obsessed and holier-than-thou and ignorant - and leading their sheeple down the same ignorant path - BAM! You're proven wrong.
Exhibit A:"Concerned Women For America" member Jan LaRue says that if we move toward legalizing gay marriage, then
we're moving toward legalizing polygamy. Because, of course, we need to recognize our bisexual brethren in our fight for equality. And, of course, since bisexual people are attracted to both males and females, they need to be able to marry one person of each gender in order to fulfill who they are.
Good As You (one of my favorite website regarding gay issues and rights) does a wonderful job of responding to this idiocy, so I won't even bother going into detail about how asinine this is. I will add my agreement, however, that I am disgustingly sick and tired of how the ultra-conservative "right" (term used quite loosely) has an overwhelmingly horrible track record when it comes to what they think are "moral" issues. They spin, they twist words, they misquote, they grasp at any tiny fleeting thing they possibly can and pound that square peg into their round hole to make the entire world fit into their warped idea of "right". Anyone who thinks that gay marriage - or anything even remotely close to approximating the rights that heterosexuals enjoy even if they pledge their sacred vows in a Vegas Strip chapel for a holy, blessed 55-hour "marriage" - will result in the downfall of society, the destruction of the "sanctity" of marriage, the end of The Mighty American Way Of Life, dogs and cats living together, yadda yadda yadda ... well, let's just say that it must be mighty hard to see the light when you have your tiny little head shoved so far up your Holier-Than-Thou orifice. To talk about same-sex marriage and polygamy as intertwined isn't just apples and oranges - it's more like apples and brake pads. They have not one single fucking thing to do with each other.
Exhibit B:Rush Limbaugh.
Do I even need to say anything more?
Yes, the
story he is talking about is unorthodox, and caught me a little by surprise. A lesbian couple in Canada has a young boy, whose biological father also plays a role in his life. So the court ruled that all three parents are legal guardians of the child, assuring that no matter what happens to either of his mommies, he won't be thrown into an orphanage and into the throws of adoption proceedings.
This is about the child - about protecting him, assuring that the parents who raise him and love him can keep doing that in the face of circumstances that hopefully will never have to be faced. Isn't that what parenting is supposed to be about? Doing whatever it takes to ensure the best for your child's welfare?
This is what infuriates me, and so many millions of others who hold my opinion. The right-wing, the ultra-conservative, the religious extremists - they all decry homosexuality and gay marriage and gay parenthood. It's unnatural, they say. It's against God's Law. It harms children and society and all that is "right". (I can't seem to stop putting that word in quotes).
But homosexuality is not unnatural. It occurs in nature, documented in many species of animals as well as humans. By definition, the mere fact that it
occurs means that it is not unnatural.
Against God's Law? If your view of life and the world is so narrow and insecure that you need to believe that something written thousands of years ago is the end-all and be-all of morality, then how can you form your own thought system and be a part of an ever-evolving and loving world? How can you "love your neighbor as yourself" if you are adamant about keeping your eyes and heart closed to that? And isn't that loving world what God, in any religion, teaches and wants from us?
Harms children and society? Raising a child in a loving home is harming them? A child living in a home that is willing to fight legal battles in order to keep and teach and love him is in an unacceptable environment? Having a loving, monogamous couple who pledges themselves to each other harms society? Accepting and embracing each other harms the good of the world?
I don't get it. I try to understand the people who spew this hatred, I try to understand why they think the way they do, and I'm utterly incapable of it. These people think that I and my fellow brothers and sisters who hold the same opinions are wrong, are blind, that we're incapable of seeing reality and morality. We're sinners, the dregs of humanity, not worthy of anything but their disgust and contempt and every fiber of their being used to extinguish us from "their" society.
I don't know that this post has any point other than my venting. But I will say this, with more conviction than I thought possible: These people
need to prove to me why what they say is worthy of my love and understanding and compassion, and how it can possibly be that they are truly interested in progressing our society and our world into a better place than it is now. I'm needing some justification from them.
Because I am tired of believing that I have anything to prove to them.