Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Update: "The Bible Says" video

Scott found that Mr. Davies' video has been removed from YouTube for violating their terms of use.

Some people disagreed with my fight to get the video removed, saying that its' unabashedly hateful message would help the "pro-gay" stance simply by its' sheer stupidity. However ... it not only attacks "fags", but in its' back-asswards way ridicules Christianity as well by preaching hate. Nothing good could come from leaving the video up on YouTube. And, it quickly caused an uproar, with something like 12 pages of comments posted on the YouTube link in the past day and countless blog postings about it. Just because the video is down does not mean that the fight against this type of ignorant hate-spewing is over.


Spider said...

As much as I hate to say it, it will be a LONG TIME before the fight is over Matt...

Paul said...

OK, so I found Donnie’s repulsive music video. "The Bible Says" video is now on Donnie's band's site.


Here’s an alternative view of what the Bible says:


Last summer, I closely followed Soul Force's Equality Ride. The stories from the participants brought tears to my eyes and opened up my checkbook.


Kevin said...

It's amazing how certain religious types pull out the few Scripture references that attack the gays, yet fail to worry about all the other things that are also "abominations."

Given the belief that this is actually what God wants, we, as mortals, should not choose to be so selective.

Let us not forget that all sin is equal in the eyes of the Lord, and that he who is without sin should cast the first stone.

A Lewis said...

Kevin is so spot on.....pick and choose a scripture, throw it at whatever cause is nearby that we don't like, and then go about our own lives, committing our own sins....and all of that before we go to church on Sunday. I'm glad the video is gone from YouTube.