Tuesday, November 14, 2006

One more baby step in the world ...

Today, the South African Parliament legalized same-sex marriage.

I know that it will happen here eventually, but it seems strange to me that the United States, self-proclaimed Superpower of the World and Compass of Humanity, is so regressive regarding civil rights. We (well, some of us) try to fight the good fight, but we continue to fall behind. I'm too tired to write any well-thought-out political post today, but I will soon.

A very dear friend of mine lived in Capetown last year for a school term ... maybe she'll post some comment on her views on how this reflects South African culture and why this is so different from ours. She has an amazing view of the world and I'd be interested to have her input.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

SOOOOO true... we are supposed to be the World Leader when it comes to human rights, yet we cannot recognize Love between to people...ughhh