Time again for
12 of 12, everyone's cool buddy
Chad's brainchild. These pictures were all taken on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 in Seattle, Washington.
I forgot to bring my camera to work with me this morning - which is just as well. Again, my teeth are clenched, my neck and shoulders and stomach are in knots, and I have workmares every night. So, let's just skip to the "after work" part, kids ...

Scott got home from work just before me.

A picture I bought from our friends' yard sale when they moved out - it's of an entry for the Chicago Tribune building contest in 1922, and part of the Art Institute's treasures. I had to have it. I just didn't have to know where to hang it - so it's been sitting in the upstairs hallway for a while.

We're not big Hallmarky warm-n'-fuzzy guys ... but I LOVE the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" and we've started collecting holiday pieces of the town. Yeah, kinda Christmas geeks.

Down the street to feed the neighbors' cat while they're on vacation. She's a sweetheart.

The kids' aquarium that I'm also taking care of. DAMN that's clean!

Kitty Cat was hungry.

Back home. My favorite Christmas decorations. They remind us of our three dogs.

Stoli gets to come in early every night. She needs a little extra love. And a chew toy.

After I got home, Scott told me there was a Christmas card that came addressed to the both of us - from my Uncle and Aunt in Florida. We're not that close, and I've never told them about Scott ... so I asked my cousin Jo about it ... (remember I'm from a conservative Chicagoland family ... )

And then downstairs to get a glass of wine. Oh, look - poinsettias ... purrty ...

Stoli waiting for me to come back upstairs.

Dinner - pre-cooking.

I mentioned the card from my aunt and uncle above ... the message was short and sweet:
"Hi to you both -
Hope the bad weather didn't get you! Have a nice holiday.
(aunt and uncle)
I believe that there's more to love between people than there are obstacles. I believe that family is more important than we sometimes think (me, at least). I believe that sometimes I don't give people enough credit and am surprised that they could maybe, possibly say "Oh, he has a partner named Scott ... hmmm, okay."
I believe that this is probably the coolest Christmas card I will ever get.