Time again for the
Chad Darnell 12 of 12 phenomenon!
These picture were all taken on Wednesday, March 12, 2008 in Seattle, Washington.
On my way to work, driving through Capitol Hill. Notice the huge crack in the windshield (lower left, across the left lane)? I had a chip that started cracking the glass when it got incredibly cold and snowy/icy. Now I have to come up with the money to replace the windshield. Grrrrr ...

Crossing I-5. The guard rail is blurry, but the large grey horizontal building smack-dab in the center is where I work. The little windowed tower to the right is Seattle's main REI store.

Paying at the parking kiosk. For some silly reason, they take credit/debit cards ... and coins. No bills. And some of them never work, so I have to walk around finding one to give me a parking sticker. Grumble ...

Did I mention that someone keyed Joe Jetta a couple weeks ago? On a Saturday night, parked in front of my house. Sometimes I hate our neighborhood. I know it's vain to get pissed off about someone damaging your car, but really - it's the whole idea that someone has no respect for anyone else or their stuff. Another grumble ...

A couple of blocks from work, looking over at Capitol Hill ...

The tall building in the center is Two Union Square, a landmark of the Seattle skyline which my firm designed ...

Miraculously, I only had 23 e-mails when I got to work this morning. I think I answered three.

Our administrative departments just moved to this new area of our building last weekend. It's really bright up here. I'm not complaining.

Proof that I really do work here. Notice my right hand on my adding machine. Notice that it's not plugged in. (Still some electrical work to be finished, and not enough outlets ... I was practicing my acting brilliance).

Leaving work - cherry trees blooming ...

Looking towards the Space Needle ...

This fast food place is about two blocks from my house. Sadly,
about a month ago someone walked in and opened fire, killing the owner and wounding a couple other people. There was a huge pile of flowers and "Say No To Guns" posters in the windows that have all since been removed. I don't know if it will open again.

Let's make up for the depressing post this month ... daffodils are blooming!! Somehow, things always return to a good part of the cycle! Take a look at this face:

Happy 12 of 12 to everyone!