Thursday, July 05, 2007

Seattle Fourth of July

Until we sort through and clean up our pictures of exploding things, this will have to do as a representation of the Fourth of July in Seattle this year. Note the Kate Smith recording of "God Bless America" in the background. We're either very traditionally patriotic, or off-the-meter campy.

Notice that the more things are being blown up, the wilder the crowd gets (a.k.a. Patriotic).



Darth Gateau said...

hmmm... we don't have anything to compare with 4th July in the UK. As for blowing things up though, we have 5th November, Guy Fawkes night where, not only do we blow things up, we generally set fire to a lot of stuff and throw effigies onto the blaze. Obviously it's all good clean fun, kind to the environment and presents absolutely no threat to the health or safety of children or animals... ahem....

I hope your celebrations went with a bang..

Tom said...

Great job of filming the fireworks! Our dog Cinder is huddled under the computer desk right now, because she gets frightened from the loud noise.

Paul said...

The fireworks were great! But I just don't get what everybody saw (heard) in Kate Smith ... what was up with those long dresses? Do you think she ever wore shorts to a 4th of July picnic?