Time for
12 of 12 again. Thanks to
Chad for the idea - and the cultish following he's established ...
These pictures were all taken on Friday, October 12, 2007 in Seattle, Washington.
My first real view this morning. I'd been up for a while, but my eyes weren't open until now:
Oh, the irony ... ( LOVE our ironing board cover!)

You're supposed to put SOME part of your body in at least one "12 of 12" picture. I'm the Man in the Mirror.

Before pulling out of my luxurious parking spot. Cool tree. And cool car, too. For sale. Interested?

Purrrrrty ...

Friday is jeans day. Well, a lot of people wear jeans throughout the week, but Friday is MY jeans day. Here they are. Scott suggested I crop the picture. The original was more of a crotch shot. Scott reminded me that the Bonus Word this month was "Orange", not "Banana". NSFW, so I obliged.
Friday afternoons we have The Bar Cart. Well, it's pretty stationary, but we pull out beer and wine and booze, and people congregate and have a drink (or three) for a small donation. Tres cool, methinks. My friends C and K manning the bar while I took a picture. Some people just take their glass back to their desk and solve problems through alcohol. I admire that.
"You can fit more wine in that glass, beyotch!"
Just before leaving work. My messy workspace. There's not usually a nearly-empty bottle of Pinot Grigio on my desk. Just an imaginary one most days.

I stopped at my buddy R's house on my way home. He and his partner are trying to sell a bed and mattress set, and Scott and I have been thinking about replacing ours. It's a big decision ...

R is also wanting to get rid of his piano. Here he is showing me that some of the keys don't play. We live about six blocks downhill from him. We discussed him pushing it from the top of the hill and me catching it at the bottom. I'm a little unsure about that. These types of things scare me.
Stoli came running down the stairs to greet me when I got home. As usual, when I tried to pet her and take her picture, she basically said "Dad, I want a cheeseburger". *sniff* I've taught her so well.
There was a lot of orange in today's pictures. So I'm going into overkill. But I specifically took this one as Number 13 - R's orange "Le Creuset" crock, which I covet. Mmmmm. Actually, I covet his whole kitchen.