Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And they were going to put her down ...

From the video poster's notes:

"Edie was so scared at the shelter and was scheduled to be euthanized yesterday. She was so lucky to have Bronwyne visit the shelter and save her life. I just helped with calming her down and showing everybody how these dogs can be easily managed with a little bit of love and patience."

"All Edie needed is a hug".


If you're looking for a pet - please start with your local shelter.


jo said...

Aw, so sweet! How easy it is. All any of us needs is a little hug!

Will said...

I'm a cat person and have gotten all my much-loved little companions either from shelters or from individuals who could no longer keep their cats for whatever reason.

A couple of years ago my younger daughter took a small poodle from a shelter less than a day before its time was up. The dog had been abused and abandoned on the streets of Manhattan but bloomed under my daughter's care. Shelter animals need to be adopted and are generally loving, smart and trustworthy members of the household.

Thanks, Matt!

Scott in Iowa said...

Thanks Matt, now I'm crying.

Rick Rockhill said...

such a beautiful video! I love to see things like this. I'll post this on my blog this week too!