Sunday, November 01, 2009

Something Wicked This Way Came ...

Our house has been kinda the main attraction in our neighborhood for Halloween for a number of years, and this year did not dissappoint.

It turned out a pretty nice day - no rain, but it was windy - we had to chase some decorations down a few times and find bricks and rocks to keep them in place.

Someone decided to camp out in the back seat of Joe Jetta for the festivities.

Getting creepy out there. A BIG number of our decorations move or fly or make scary noises when people approach ...

Even Scott was a little scared.

The graveyard out front. That guy in the middle slowly stands up from behind the tombstone. Eek.

From across the street. It's a busy place.

Hard to get a good night picture, but let me tell ya - it was spooky. Too bad you can't hear the noises and see the strobe lights flashing in the attic window.

And how was your weekend?


Anonymous said...

I want your Halloween yard when I grow up.

We have a slow start:

(Which reminds me, must head to Target to see what skulls & such are on clearance...)

jo said...

Matt, it looks like fall there is just gorgeous! We had so much rain the past two weeks that most of the trees have already lost their leaves!

That guy behind the tombstone would scare the heck out of me if he suddenly popped up! Dave used to love dressing up with his friends and hiding under piles of leaves and such to scare the kids. Nice looking yard, there, cuz!

Rick Rockhill said...

I love Halloween, so much fun. We had just returned from vacation so we didn't do anything this year :-(