Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had this record (ask your parents, kids) when I was little - we'd play it over and over on Halloween night after going trick-or-treating, and it scared the - er, stuffing out of us.

This is one of the scariest videos I've ever seen:


Happy Halloween ... IF YOU SURVIVE ... hehehehehehehehe ...

Friday, October 30, 2009

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Four More Days ...

Poor video quality ... but creepy ... heh heh heh heh heh ...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009


And Be Loved In Return.

The Greatest Thing You'll Ever Learn.

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 12 of 12

Halloween decorations starting to appear. Boo.

Kitty trying to use the cat's house as a pillow. Cute.

Autumn leaves.


Waiting for my haircut.

Going home.

Almost home - more purty trees.

The Brandywine in front of the house.

Short hair. Tongue sticking out.


Clean bathroom.


Happy 12!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

In Which I'm Told I Destroy Marriage and Threaten Children.

Scott and I headed up to Lynnwood yesterday, to buy some more Halloween decorations (Scott has a problem) and to go to Alderwood Mall to find a few new clothes for me. Luckily, Scott has worked in Lynnwood for many years (although he just transferred to Northgate), so he could navigate us around easily - I get lost when I get out of the city. What we didn't expect was to come across hundreds of protesters rallying against Referendum 71 - which is on the ballot for next month's election to uphold Washington State's domestic partnership law, which grants state rights to same-sex couples and domestic partners over the age of 62.

We were enraged. Yes, everyone has the right to hold and voice their opinions - but this was unreal. Apparrently this group came from a Russian Baptist church in Eastern Washington, and has been very vocal in their opposition of granting us and other same-sex couples any rights whatsoever.

What really appalled me was the number of high-school-aged (and younger) kids who were out there holding signs. Yes, we learn values from our parents and families (most of us), but I don't truly believe that these kids honestly know what they're protesting against other than "people who aren't like us". That's what they are learning from this. It's okay to oppress people who you don't know anything about other than that you've been told they are not like you, and therefore not as good as you (or not good at all).

I know, I know ... I'm preaching to the choir, so why even bother?

Because in the off chance that one of those people who were carrying these signs reads - actually reads - this post, maybe they'll think about this.

  • Quoting the bible isn't enough. The bible was written by man, not god. There are examples (in the Old Testament) you can pull from it that say that homosexuality is a sin. There are examples you can pull from it that say don't wear white after Labor Day, if you want to spin it enough (I wouldn't be surprised if that's happened already). It's really about interpretation of ancient beliefs based on the time they were written. If those books had been written today, they'd have a different meaning. Depending on who would have written them. Interpretation is huge.

  • Securing rights for domestic partnerships is not tantamount to gay marriage. Sure, it may lead the way - and of course I'm for that - but you're putting the cart before the horse. That's not what this is about.

  • My big fat domestic partnership is not attacking the sanctity of your opposite-sex marriage. You can be opposite-married all you want. If Scott and I being together has attacked your marriage or any others', there are much bigger fish to fry. Look in the mirror.

  • Feel an overwhelming need to preserve and protect marriage? Make divorce illegal. I'd be out marching and waving signs for that in a heartbeat.

  • Think that the very idea of same-sex couples harms children? How? Do a Google search on the percentage of child molesters who are straight.

  • Think that the way that homosexuality - and same-sex partnerhips - would harm children is that all children will be required to view explicit homosexual pornography in schools and libraries (yes, this is actually an argument that comes up time and time again)? Where did you get that idea? Please tell me where in Referendum 71 this is shown.

    • Please, those of you who are against these basic civil rights for us - come to my neighborhood. Meet out neighbors. The straight, child-rearing, working and tax-paying and voting neighbors of ours. Ask them of the destruction we have wrought on our neighborhood and their families and their children. Ask them why they allow their children to trick-or-treat at our house. Ask them why they knock on our door when their kids want to see our pets, and actually let them come inside. Ask them why they let us go camping with them and let their kids see us holding hands. Ask them why they bring cans of chicken soup to our house when we have a cold. Ask them why they offer to let us borrow their mixer when ours died and we're trying to make banana bread. Ask them why they ask us to house-sit and cat-sit and bring in their recycling bins when they go on vacation, why they invite us to dinner and parties and why they stop by and talk to us out in the yard, in full view of the world, and laugh with us and wave as they drive by.

      And then, look in the mirror and take a good, hard look. And wonder if your god sees them as less than you because they love and accept and yes, sometimes actually TOUCH us.

      Wednesday, October 07, 2009


      *Tap Tap Tap* Is This Thing On?

      Yes, it's on. Sorry - I've been lax at posting anything lately, haven't I?

      And I'm only taking the time to post today because I'm at home sick. Bleah. Cold/flu thing - although I'm not really congested anymore, just fevery/achy/exhausted.

      Things have been depressing at work, on a personal level - one co-worker had an operation for a brain tumor (which went incredibly well, and she's doing fine). Another was diagnosed with breast cancer - but is in remission after a lumpectomy and radiation. Another suffered a seizure at work (boy, was that scary!), but it seems to be a reaction to a medication, and she's doing fine now, too. And now, another just found out that his wife has pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver, and there's nothing that can be done to save her life.

      These are all people around my age or within ten years of being older than me. It's a scary reminder that we're all getting older and having to deal with things we never even imagined when we were young and invincible. I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that I'm not young anymore, and that I'm not immortal. I find myself thinking of ways to be more active, to get back in shape, to be healthier. There's a lot on my plate there.

      And now it's fall. It came quick and hard this year (doesn't it always?). From a hot, hot, HOT dry summer to cloudy and cool and rainy in 24 hours. I feel like I'm waiting for it to be the pretty fall that I swear I remember always having as a child. I don't think I should be waiting.

      So, I'm looking out the window and seeing that the sun is out. It's lower in the southern sky, and filtered, and not as bright as before - but it's there. The leaves are decaying and dropping - but the trees are alive, just winding down for the year. The sky is a fading pale blue, with wispy high clouds strung across it - but it's there. It's still above us, and the ground is still below us, and our 104-year-old house is still standing and solid and warm and it's all okay.

      I do miss the anticipation I used to feel this time of year ... football games and marching band and homecoming and my birthday (which does still happen - October 22, start shopping!) and Thanksgiving. That still happens, too, doesn't it? I guess it is time to start inviting everyone we know to Thanksgiving dinner and planning my favorite holiday, where we get to share what we can with people we love and who love us back. I need that right now. Life keeps moving and days pass by and it's hard to see anything but a week or a day at a time. But I'm sensing that I need to breathe in deep and take in what's happening around me and embrace the days that I live in.

      Thanks for letting me ramble and vent. I think I'll go pet the dogs now.