Tuesday, March 16, 2010

And they were going to put her down ...

From the video poster's notes:

"Edie was so scared at the shelter and was scheduled to be euthanized yesterday. She was so lucky to have Bronwyne visit the shelter and save her life. I just helped with calming her down and showing everybody how these dogs can be easily managed with a little bit of love and patience."

"All Edie needed is a hug".


If you're looking for a pet - please start with your local shelter.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

March 12 of 12

Time again for 12 of 12. Here are the pictures of my day in Seattle.

In the car, ready to go to work. Cold and rainy morning in Seattle:

Not sure how I feel about going to work today ...

Crossing Broadway on Capitol Hill:

Leaving the office - I survived, and it's a kinda sunny!

Heading back up Capitol Hill:

Cherry trees blooming:

Gas prices are going up again:

Primroses and hyacinths (and a single daffodil) in front of our house:

Scott's taking pictures, too!

Kali wants you to throw her toy. Oh, we got a new garden bench last week:

Magnolia starting to bloom:

Magnolia and Japanese quince:

That's all for now. See you next month!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


That's all for tonight.

Hi, y'all.